
M1.1 Project: High Tech Marathon 2020
Together with: Jordy Oplaat & Melvin Sterk

Runners that are highly motivated by social factors have a high risk of quitting if their main driver of running together disappears. After a research and ideation phase a concept was created to help these social runners. The design proposed aims to make them more aware of the moment they choose training moments and tries to persuade them to choose ones that are physiologically responsible. Through an iterative design process which included four iterations and a long-term user test a design was created. In this report Loop is presented, a prototype which is aimed to be placed in the living room which encourages social runners to be more aware of how much they actually run. The prototype was still experienced as positive after being used for six weeks by participants, which indicates there is potential in social awareness and friction to influence the moment people choose to run.

Design report
First iteration
Second iteration