Decision Making Dashboard
M1.2: Design Research Project
Innovation methodologies is an area that has been under considerable interest over the past years. Companies are making constantly decisions about their innovation activities. For their current product portfolio as well as their future activities. As a designer, there are opportunities to support innovation with design thinking methodologies. In this research, facilitating co-creation to enhance strategic decision-making has been explored. To do so, the Decision Making Dashboard has been designed as a research prototype. Another opportunity which has been explored, is the use the six perspectives model (Gardien, Deckers, Christiaansen, 2014) as an assessment tool. To research this, a user test and expert review were conducted. Experts perceived the use of a visualization as appealing to reflect upon, and participants indicated that the tool creates a good and clear overview. With this researched prototype, I showed the potential of strengthen the innovation process by facilitating decision making by co-creation.